Joaquín Costa

Joaquín Costa is a PhD student at IBR-CONICET in Argentina. His MSc degree is in Biotechnology, when he obtained skills in bioinformatics and proteomics.
During his secondment at MENDELU, he focused his efforts on screening various extracts and assessing their effects on Arabidopsis thaliana and Nicotiana tabacum under different conditions. Specifically, he evaluated the impact of beta-glucan 1,3-1,6 β-D on these plants, both in soil and at the root growth level. While no significant differences were observed in foliar growth, a noticeable waiving effect was detected at the root level in Arabidopsis thaliana. Additionally, he continued testing the priming potential of rosemary extract (ARE) for abiotic stress tolerance through in vitro assays in Arabidopsis. Remarkably, pre-treatment with ARE followed by exposure to water deficit stress induced by mannitol showed a recovery effect at the root level, suggesting its potential as a priming agent to enhance stress resilience.